Flagship Healthcare Blog

chiropractic care for back pain

Erie PA Chiropractor Explains How to Avoid Back Injuries

Erie PA Chiropractor Explains How to Avoid Back Injuries When it comes to avoiding back injuries, your fate is largely in your own hands. It’s true that an unexpected fall or auto accident may cause an injury that’s beyond your control, but a large percentage of back injuries are caused by your own actions, which…

9 Exercises to Eliminate Shoulder Tension

9 Exercises to Eliminate Shoulder Tension

9 Exercises to Eliminate Shoulder Tension That shoulder and neck pain that creeps up, and then just seems to stick around – it almost feels like a new part of life that we should just accept, doesn’t it? We may crack jokes about “getting older” and not feeling as spry as we once did when…

The Back Injury That Won’t Go Away

The Back Injury That Won’t Go Away

The Back Injury That Won’t Go Away The numbers don’t lie – back pain is one of the most commonly reported reasons for missed work. For anyone who has dealt with or managed chronic back pain from an injury, they understand why. The aching, radiating pain that sets up shop from many common back conditions…

finding a chiropractor near me

3 Tips from an Erie PA Chiropractor

3 Tips from an Erie PA Chiropractor Since chiropractors see the results of poor lifestyle choices on a daily basis, it’s only natural to formulate opinions and offer tips to patients so they can help themselves. From sore backs, necks, shoulders, and irregular sleeping patterns to back pain, we provide help in a wide range…

The Surprising Cause of Back Pain

The Surprising Cause of Back Pain

The Surprising Cause of Back Pain   Are you experiencing back pain, you don’t know why and it just won’t go away? The real problem may actually lie in your legs and feet. Seriously! As counterintuitive as that may sound, our bodies are complex systems and connected in ways that can be difficult to discern…

Overcoming Arthritic Neck Pain At Home

Overcoming Arthritic Neck Pain At Home

Overcoming Arthritic Neck Pain At Home   Are you experiencing constant stiffness and pain in your neck? Perhaps you’ve noticed yourself getting headaches that seem to originate from your neck and shoulder area. Or, maybe the range of motion while turning your head feels compromised. If any of these symptoms have you nodding your head…